At Mid-America Christian University, 我们相信,在现代工作场所,作为一名商业专业人士,要产生积极的影响,不仅需要与行业相关的技能,还需要一种道德信念体系,这种信念体系将为您的商业实践提供指导. Through our online and in-person business degree programs, 我们寻求将学生转变为有效的领导者和企业家,他们努力通过道德的商业决策使世界变得更美好.
Business professionals from all backgrounds choose MACU for its many benefits, 包括以下内容:
- 全球视角: 我们的商业课程联合了来自世界各国的爱博体育竞猜app下载者社区, 我们设计我们的程序化爱博体育竞猜app下载成果,以融合他们不同的观点.
- Professional Connections: Students gain networking opportunities through our corporate partnerships, which connect students with current practitioners at guest speaker events, during corporate office tours, and in 培训 activities.
- 传递友好: 澳门大学对在校外爱博体育竞猜app下载的学生颁发学分,包括志愿者工作, 服兵役, and relevant work experience — so you can earn your degree faster.
Explore MACU’s Business Degree 项目
我们的高资历讲师将他们的实际商业经验融入到他们的课程中. 他们还与当前的从业人员和商业组织保持联系,以获得信息, industry-relevant adjustments to the curriculum.
Undergraduate Business Degree 项目
No matter your experience level, 我们通过专注的本科课程,强化圣经世界观和尊重不同观点,为您提供有意的商业教育方法.
Bachelor of 工商管理 and Ethics (BBA)
工商管理硕士课程将核心商业学科与道德考量相结合, preparing students to make principled decisions in managerial roles. |
Bachelor of 工商管理 (BBA) in Accounting and Ethics
会计与道德学士学位课程侧重于会计实践与道德标准的基础知识, aiming to equip students for integrity-driven careers in finance and auditing. |
Bachelor of Science (BS) in 数字营销
数字营销学士课程为学生提供数字营销策略和工具方面的专业知识, with a curriculum that covers search engine optimization (SEO), 社交媒体, 数字广告.
Bachelor of Science (BS) in 管理 and Ethics
管理与伦理学士课程教授学生基本的管理技能,同时强调道德领导, preparing them to qualify for responsible roles in business management. |
Bachelor of Science (BS) in 医疗管理 and Ethics
医疗管理和伦理学士课程将医疗管理策略课程与伦理考虑相结合, 培训学生能够有效地监督医疗设施和服务. |
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Media Production and 沟通
媒体制作与传播学士课程侧重于媒体内容的制作和分析, teaching students skills in video, audio, and digital media production, alongside critical communication strategies.
Graduate 在线 Business Degree 项目
Advance your career with a graduate degree from MACU. 我们方便, 灵活的, 而负担得起的在线商业学位课程是通往拥有更高收入潜力的上层商业领导职位的大门.
Master of 工商管理 (MBA)
MBA课程提供商业和管理原则方面的全面培训, 为学生提供他们在竞争环境中领导组织和做出战略决策所需的技能.
Degree emphasis areas are:
- 注册会计师会计: Learn advanced accounting principles, including in auditing and regulatory compliance, to get the expertise needed for senior accounting roles.
- 管理会计: 爱博体育竞猜app下载如何分析财务数据来指导财务战略和组织绩效.
- 沟通: Focus on integrating business and communication strategies, whether dealing with staff, 高管, 利益相关者, 或者公众.
- 医疗管理: Gain the skills required for leadership, execution of plans for quality improvement, 加强临床和非临床医疗保健机构的流程和计划.
- 人力资源管理: Prepare to strategize and lead organizational personnel functions, 包括招聘, 培训, 员工发展.
- 国际业务: Master the principles of managing global business functions, including supply chain logistics, 安全问题, 和市场营销.
Master of Arts (MA) in Leadership
The MA in Leadership program focuses on developing advanced leadership skills, 使学生具备在各种组织环境中有效管理和激励团队的能力.
Degree emphasis areas are:
- 企业管理: Enhance your strategic decision-making and managerial skills, to prepare to lead in corporate environments.
- 高等教育: Focus on the administration and 治理 of higher education institutions, developing skills in academic leadership and policy implementation.
- 沟通: Sharpen the effective messaging, 媒体关系, 以及战略沟通技巧,这对各个部门的领导角色至关重要.
- 公共管理: Prepare to lead in the government or nonprofit sector, with coursework focused on public policy, 治理, 社区参与.
- 部门的领导: 培养领导宗教组织和社区信仰活动所需的管理和牧养技能.
在线 Business 证书 项目
澳门大学提供几个在线证书课程,以促进管理水平技能的发展. 下面列出的研究生水平证书也可以用来满足一个完整的研究生学位的先决条件.
Financial Core Accounting 证书
医疗管理 Graduate 证书
Gain specialized knowledge in managing healthcare facilities, learning about policy implications and improving patient care systems.
Human Resources Graduate 证书
Learn employee management strategies, including in talent acquisition, 绩效管理, 以及雇佣法.
国际业务 Graduate 证书
Learn how to navigate global markets, with an emphasis on international trade, 文化意识, and strategic global business planning.
管理会计 Graduate 证书
Focus on key management accounting techniques, 能够帮助专业人士将财务数据应用于运营决策和战略规划.
Why Enroll in an 在线 Business Degree Program?
在MACU, we understand that not everyone can attend school on campus. 在线 business degree programs offer flexibility and accessibility, 当你在世界任何地方完成你的课程时,你可以平衡你的爱博体育竞猜app下载与你的个人和职业承诺.
Our online programs offer a diverse range of courses and specializations, 其中任何一个都可以让你对商业原则有一个广泛的理解,以及为你的职业兴趣量身定制的特定技能.
+, 我们的沉浸式在线爱博体育竞猜app下载平台促进互动式爱博体育竞猜app下载体验, incorporating real-time discussions, 集团项目, and access to digital resources. 你会发现全球网络的机会,并与你的同龄人建立有意义的联系, 你的导师, and other professionals across different industries and regions.
What Can You Do With a Business Degree?
MACU’s business degree programs are created with your career success in mind. 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 预计从2022年到2032年,商业和金融行业的总体就业增长速度将超过所有职业的平均水平. 约911,400 openings are projected each year, 平均, 在这些职业中,由于就业增长和需要取代那些永久离开这些职业的工人.
The median annual salary for all business and finance occupations was $79,截至2023年5月, 根据美国劳工统计局. Check out some potential jobs for business degree program graduates, with salary information from the BLS:
Public Relations Specialist Median Annual Salary: $66,750 市场研究分析师 Median Annual Salary: $74,680 会计/审计 Median Annual Salary: $79,880 Project 管理 Specialist Median Annual Salary: $98,580 | 管理分析师 Median Annual Salary: $99,410 Medical and Health Services Manager Median Annual Salary: $110,680 Training and Development Manager Median Annual Salary: $125,040 销售经理 Median Annual Salary: $135,160 |
Why Choose MACU for Your Business Degree Program?
在MACU, 我们很自豪能够提供超越传统教育的商业学位课程,为学生提供真正相关和丰富的爱博体育竞猜app下载经验. People choose our programs for many reasons, including:
- 负担得起的卓越: MACU offers competitively priced tuition for a private university, 做高质量的, 价值观驱动的教育为广大学生提供可获得且负担得起的教育.
- 注重沟通: We prepare our students to take on critical, 通过各种媒介强调写作和公开演讲,毕业后在商业中扮演目的导向的角色, including discussion boards and class presentations.
- 圣经的世界观: 我们相信,来自不同宗教背景的学生可以从圣经对商业的理解中受益, 所以我们使用圣经中的理论和原则作为理解全球商业实践的指南.
MACU, 以圣经为基础的大学, 由中北部学院和学校协会(NCA)的高等教育委员会(HLC)认可.